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89 lines
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89 lines
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package main
import (
log ""
_ ""
// ""
func handleMysql(r report) {
db, dbDown := dbConn()
if dbDown {
log.Fatal("cant reach database..")
defer db.Close()
// log.Infof("handleMysql(%+v)",r)
stmt, err := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO " + mysql_table + " (ts, station, callsign, band, mode, report, dxcc, geohash, continent, cqzone, ituzone) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)")
defer stmt.Close()
_, err = stmt.Exec(time.Unix(r.lastReport, 0), station, r.CallSign, r.Band, r.Mode, r.Signal, r.Dxcc, r.GeoHash, r.Continent, r.CQZone, r.ITUZone)
if err != nil {
log.WithFields(log.Fields{"err":err.Error()}).Warn("error while executing prepared statement..")
func init_db() {
var cnt int
db, _ := dbConn()
row := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME LIKE '%" + mysql_table + "%';")
switch err := row.Scan(&cnt); err {
case sql.ErrNoRows:
log.Error("something went wrong while scanning for existing table structure..")
case nil:
if cnt < 1 {
qry := "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + mysql_table + " (" +
"ts timestamp NOT NULL," +
"station VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL," +
"callsign VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL," +
"band VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL," +
"continent VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL," +
"mode VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL," +
"dxcc VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL," +
"geohash VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL," +
"report TINYINT NOT NULL," +
"cqzone INT NOT NULL," +
"ituzone INT NOT NULL," +
"UNIQUE KEY UC_" + mysql_table + "(ts, station, callsign));"
log.WithFields(log.Fields{"query":qry}).Debug("creating database..")
_, err := db.Exec(qry)
if err != nil {
log.Error("something went wrong while creating table structure..")
} else {
log.Info("found existing table")
func dbConn() (db *sql.DB, err bool){
db, er := sql.Open("mysql", mysql_user+":"+mysql_pass+"@tcp("+mysql_host+")/"+mysql_db)
if er != nil {
log.Debugf("db not reachable: %s",err)
return nil, true
pingerr := db.Ping()
if pingerr != nil {
log.Debug("db not pingable..")
return nil, true
return db, false